Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bowling and Brenda Lee !!

We have been working really hard on subtracting and since I have had this in my car since November I decided to get it out to play subtraction bowling!!
Talk about a good time!!!! Instead of using a recording sheet, we just wrote the subtraction problems in our journals and it worked great! This was not only fun, but a great way to practice subtracting. It gave a great visual as well. Each child got two turns. We always started with 10 for our first problem and then used whatever number was left as our second problem. Ex. Ms. Mentzer knocked down 4 pins so our problem was 10-4=6. Then she knocked down 3 pins. Our new problem was 6-3=3. We then of course had two more turns just for fun and said the problems out loud rather than writing them down. This is an easy, cheap, (the bowling set was like $12) fun activity that we will use over and over and could even be played at home!!!

On another note, the Special Olympics Choir that I am a co-director of had our Spring Concert on Saturday!! We had such a good time and the boys and girls did amazing!! We even had a special guest come and sing her hit song "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" with us!!! 

The Music City Miracle Choir singing with Brenda Lee!!!! (She is so sweet!!) Check out the choir on our Facebook Page!!!


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