Sunday, April 29, 2012

More ABC Countdown

Bb day was Bubble Day and Favorite Book Day! We enjoyed sharing our favorite books and then writing about why they are our favorite books! (We gotta fit in that opinion writing where ever we can right!?)

Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me for Cc day (Career Day), Dd Day (Dancing Day) , Ee Day (Earth Day) Or Ff Day (Farm Day) but trust me when I say we had a GREAT time on all of those days!! It was so fun to see what the boys and girls want to be when they grow up (and to read about it in their words during writing). Dancing Day was fun!! We danced all day long especially during transistions and pretty much everytime we got up during the day! It was a lot of fun learning about the Earth and ways to take care of it. It is always funny because for about a week after we talk about it, the girls at recess always spend their time picking up trash :) I will post pictures later of the craft that we made. Farm day was fun because we got to read lots of farm books, play games and talk about different farm animals!! Needless to say we are staying busy and having fun!! :)


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